At a time when mass adventure in our campaign world is overshadowed by pre-published adventures and mass story lines, we shift off to basic old school adventure on an isle somewhere in the far south of the western ocean. An island of simple times and simple people, who still live in small towns far removed from the demonic hordes that overrun the main lands.
The sun shines high above in blue skies full of thick white clouds down onto grassy fields of wildflowers and tall multicolored white barked birch trees. This is the island of dawn, an island with quiet towns, a mass forest at it's centre, mountains on it's eastern shores and meadows on it's western cliffs. The people deal more with the wild than with monsters as wolves seem to be a major problem here, though some gnolls have been spotted in the hills near town. Ancient ruins of places built here seem to pre-date the populace that inhabits the island now and still hold their secrets, as well as being a known location for accessing portals to the elemental plains.
Other than that, the island see's almost no outside visitors as it has no major merchants, no exports and no imports. The lumber, fishing, farming and mining done here are on a small scale and enough to make an honest living within it's communities. Ships rarely visit the port unless it's to purchase supplies and outsiders are rarely seen within town or stay for long. The quiet little island basically see's little change and that is where the adventure begins. . .
You are going to venture here to uncover the secrets hidden on this island and to places beyond that can only be reached from here. Along the way you will meet interesting people who can be allies or enemies. You will be a solver or problems, a hero where no one else rises to accept challenge. You will change the lives of everyone who lives here for better or worse and start your path into a larger world by taking on the title of adventurer.
Places of interest:
• The town of Slumberhaven
• The mages tower (ruins)
• The whitewood (forest)
• Copper Hills (hills)
• Eastwind Peaks (mountains)
• Breezefield (meadows)
• Echo Dens (caves)
• The Thicket (fields)
People of interest:
• Genevieve Gwendallen (Fighter/rogue) - Human mercenary
• Luc Girard (Barbarian) - Human lumberjack
• Anthond Waygrove (Ranger) Halfling scout